Book:A.K. Dewdney/The New Turing Omnibus: Sixty-Six Excursions in Computer Science
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A.K. Dewdney: The (New) Turing Omnibus: Sixty-Six Excursions in Computer Science
Published $\text {1993}$, W.H. Freeman
- ISBN 0-8050-7166-0
Subject Matter
- Preface
- Icons
- $1$ ALGORITHMS Cooking Up Programs
- $2$ FINITE AUTOMATA The Black Box
- $3$ SYSTEMS OF LOGIC Boolean Bases
- $4$ SIMULATION The Monte Carlo Method
- $5$ GÖDEL'S THEOREM Limits on Logic
- $6$ GAME TREES The Minimax Method
- $7$ THE CHOMSKY HIERARCHY Four Computers
- $8$ RANDOM NUMBERS The Chaitin-Kolmogoroff Theory
- $9$ MATHEMATICAL RESEARCH The Mandelbrot Set
- $10$ PROGRAM CORRECTNESS Ultimate Debugging
- $11$ SEARCH TREES Traversal and Maintenance
- $12$ ERROR-CORRECTING CODES Pictures from Space
- $13$ BOOLEAN LOGIC Expressions and Circuits
- $14$ REGULAR LANGUAGES Pumping Words
- $16$ GENETIC ALGORITHMS Solutions That Evolve
- $17$ THE RANDOM ACCESS MACHINE An Abstract Computer
- $18$ SPLINE CURVES Smooth Interpolation
- $19$ COMPUTER VISION Polyhedral Scenes
- $20$ KARNAUGH MAPS Circuit Minimization
- $22$ MINIMUM SPANNING TREES A Fast Algorithm
- $23$ GENERATIVE GRAMMARS Lindenmayer Systems
- $24$ RECURSION The Sierpinski Curve
- $25$ FAST MULTIPLICATION Divide and Conquer
- $26$ NONDETERMINISM Automata That Guess Correctly
- $27$ PERCEPTRONS A Lack of Vision
- $28$ ENCODERS AND MULTIPLEXERS Manipulating Memory
- $29$ CAT SCANNING Cross-Sectional X-Rays
- $30$ THE PARTITION PROBLEM A Pseudo-fast Algorithm
- $31$ TURING MACHINES The Simplest Computers
- $32$ THE FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM Redistributing Images
- $33$ ANALOG COMPUTATION Spaghetti Computers
- $34$ SATISFIABILITY A Central Problem
- $35$ SEQUENTIAL SORTING A Lower Bound on Speed
- $36$ NEURAL NETWORKS THAT LEARN Converting Coordinates
- $37$ PUBLIC KEY CRYPTOGRAPHY Intractable Secrets
- $38$ SEQUENTIAL CIRCUITS A Computer Memory
- $39$ NONCOMPUTABLE FUNCTIONS The Busy Beaver Problem
- $40$ HEAPS AND MERGES The Fastest Sorts of Sorts
- $41$ NP-COMPLETENESS The Wall of Intractability
- $42$ NUMBER SYSTEMS FOR COMPUTING Chinese Arithmetic
- $43$ STORAGE BY HASHING The Key Is The Address
- $44$ CELLULAR AUTOMATA The Game of Life
- $45$ COOK'S THEOREM Nuts and Bolts
- $47$ STORING IMAGES A Cat in a Quad Tree
- $48$ THE SCRAM A Simplified Computer
- $49$ SHANNON'S THEORY The Elusive Codes
- $50$ DETECTING PRIMES An Algorithm that Almost Always Works
- $51$ UNIVERSAL TURING MACHINES Computers as Programs
- $52$ TEXT COMPRESSION Huffmann Coding
- $53$ DISK OPERATING SYSTEMS Bootstrapping the Computer
- $54$ NP-COMPLETE PROBLEMS The Tree of Intractability
- $55$ ITERATION AND RECURSION The Towers of Hanoi
- $56$ VLSI COMPUTERS Circuits in Silicon
- $57$ LINEAR PROGRAMMING The Simplex Method
- $58$ PREDICATE CALCULUS The Resolution Method
- $59$ THE HALTING PROBLEM The Uncomputable
- $60$ COMPUTER VIRUSES A Software Invasion
- $61$ SEARCHING STRINGS The Boyer-Moore Algorithm
- $62$ PARALLEL COMPUTING Processors with Connections
- $63$ THE WORD PROBLEM Dictionaries as Programs
- $64$ LOGIC PROGRAMMING Prologue to Expertise
- $65$ RELATIONAL DATA BASES Do-It-Yourself Queries
- $66$ CHURCH'S THESIS All Computers Are Created Equal
- Index