Book:Alan G. Hamilton/Logic for Mathematicians/Second Edition
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Alan G. Hamilton: Logic for Mathematicians (2nd Edition)
Published $\text {1988}$, Cambridge University Press
- ISBN 0-521-36865-0
Subject Matter
- Preface
- 1 Informal statement calculus
- 1.1 Statements and connectives
- 1.2 Truth functions and truth tables
- 1.3 Rules for manipulation and substitution
- 1.4 Normal forms
- 1.5 Adequate sets of connectives
- 1.6 Arguments and validity
- 2 Formal statement calculus
- 2.1 The formal system $L$
- 2.2 The Adequacy Theorem for $L$
- 3 Informal predicate calculus
- 3.1 Predicates and quantifiers
- 3.2 First order languages
- 3.3 Interpretations
- 3.4 Satisfaction, truth
- 3.5 Skolemisation
- 4 Formal predicate calculus
- 4.1 The formal system $K_\mathcal L$
- 4.2 Equivalence, substitution
- 4.3 Prenex form
- 4.4 The Adequacy Theorem for $K$
- 4.5 Models
- 5 Mathematical systems
- 5.1 Introduction
- 5.2 First order systems with equality
- 5.3 The theory of groups
- 5.4 First order arithmetic
- 5.5 Formal set theory
- 5.6 Consistency and models
- 6 The Gödel Incompleteness Theorem
- 6.1 Introduction
- 6.2 Expressibility
- 6.3 Recursive functions and relations
- 6.4 Gödel numbers
- 6.5 The incompleteness proof
- 7 Computability, unsolvability, undecidability
- 7.1 Algorithms and computability
- 7.2 Turing machines
- 7.3 Word problems
- 7.4 Undecidability of formal systems
- Appendix: Countable and uncountable sets
- Hints and solutions to selected exercises
- References and further reading
- Glossary of symbols
- Index
Further Editions
Double Negation with Erroneous Conjunction
Chapter $1$: Informal statement calculus: $1.2$. Truth functions and truth tables: Example $1.6 \ \text{(c)}$:
- $\paren {p \leftrightarrow \paren {\land \paren {\sim p} } }$ is a tautology.
Source work progress
- 1988: Alan G. Hamilton: Logic for Mathematicians (2nd ed.) ... (previous) ... (next): $\S 1$: Informal statement calculus: $\S 1.3$: Rules for manipulation and substitution
- Second pass under way:
- 1988: Alan G. Hamilton: Logic for Mathematicians (2nd ed.) ... (previous) ... (next): $\S 1$: Informal statement calculus: $\S 1.2$: Truth functions and truth tables: Exercise $4$