Book:Journal/Studia Mathematica
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Studia Mathematica
(Stud. Math)
Publisher: Polish Academy of Sciences
- Started publication: $1929$ (founded by Stefan Banach and Hugo Steinhaus)
- (current)
Featured Articles
- 1931: Stefan Banach: Über die Baire'sche Kategorie gewisser Funktionenmengen (Vol. 3: pp. 174 – 179)
- 1940: Mark Krein and David Milman: On extreme points of regular convex sets (Vol. 9: pp. 33 – 138)
- 1974: Charles Fefferman and R. Coifman: Weighted norm inequalities for maximal functions and singular integrals (Vol. 51, no. 3: pp. 241 – 250)