Book:Steven A. Gaal/Point Set Topology
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Steven A. Gaal: Point Set Topology
Published $\text {1964}$, Dover
- ISBN 0-486-47222-1
Subject Matter
- preface
- notation
- Introduction to Set Theory
- 1. Elementary Operations on Sets
- 2. Set Theoretical Equivalence and Denumerbility
- 3. The Axiom of Choice and Its Equivalents
- Notes
- References
- Chapter $\text {I}$ Topological Spaces
- 1. Open Sets and Closed Sets
- 2. Interior, Exterior, Boundary and Closure
- 3. Closure Operators
- 4. Bases and Subbases
- 5. Topologies on Linearly Ordered Sets
- 6. Metric Spaces
- 7. Neighborhood Filters
- 8. Uniform Structures
- 9. Simple Results on Uniform Structures and Uniform Spaces
- 10. Subspaces
- 11. Product Spaces
- 12. Products of Uniformizable Spaces
- 13. Inverse and Direct Images of Topologies
- 14. Quotient Spaes
- Notes
- References
- Chapter $\text {II}$ Separation Properties
- 1. $(T_0)$ and $(T_1)$ Axioms, Hausdorff Spaces
- 2. $(T_3)$ Spaces, Regular and Semiregular Spaces
- 3. $(T_4)$ Spaces and Normal Spaces
- 4. Point-Finite and Star-Finite Open Coverings
- 5. $(T_5)$ Spaces and Completely Normal Spaces
- 6. Separated Sets
- 7. Connected Spaces and Sets
- 8. Maximal Connected Subsets
- 9. $(T)$ Axiom and Complete Regularity
- 10. Uniformization and Axiom $(T)$
- 11. Axioms of Separation in Product Spaces
- 12. Separable Spaces and Countability Axioms
- Notes
- References
- Chapter $\text {III}$ Compactness and Uniformization
- 1. Compactness
- 2. Compact Metric Spaces
- 3. Subspaces and Separation Properties of Compact Spaces
- 4. The Product of Compact Topological Spaces
- 5. Locally Compact Spaces
- 6. Paracompactness and Full-Normality
- 7. The Equivalence of Paracompactness and Full-Normality
- 8. Metrizable Uniform Structures and Structure Gages
- 9. Metrizability Conditions
- Notes
- References
- Chapter $\text {IV}$ Continuity
- 1. Functional Relations and Functions
- 2. Local Continuity
- 3. Continuous Functions
- 4. Homeomorphisms, Open and Closed Maps
- 5. Real-Valued Functions
- 6. Continuity and Axioms of Separation
- 7. Continuity and Compactness
- 8. Continuity and Connectedness
- 9. Continuity in Product Spaces
- 10. Uniform Continuity and Equicontinuity
- 11. The Topology of Uniform Convergence
- 12. The Algebra of Continuous Function
- Notes
- References
- Chapter $\text {V}$ Theory of Convergence
- 1. Filters and Nets
- 2. Convergence of Filters, Nets and Sequences
- 3. Ultrafilters and Universal Nets
- 4. Bounds, Traces, and Products of Filters
- 5. Applications of Filters and Nets to Compactness
- 6. Cauchy Filters and Complete Spaces
- 7. Completion of Metric Structures
- 8. Baire's Category Theorem, the Principles of Uniform Boundedness and of the Condensation of Singularities
- 9. Completions and Compactifications
- Notes
- References
- author index
- subject index
Zero Element of Union and Intersection
Introduction to Set Theory: $1$. Elementary Operations on Sets:
- The operations $A \cup B$ and $A \cap B$ are meaningful for every pair of sets $A, B$ ... The empty set $\O$ plays the role of the zero element.
Cartesian Product of Countable Sets is Countable: Formal Proof 2
Introduction to Set Theory: $2$. Set Theoretical Equivalence and Denumerability:
- If $A$ and $B$ are denumerable, then so are $A \cup B$ and $A \times B$.
- ...
- For instance, if $a_1, a_2, a_3, \ldots$ and $b_1, b_2, b_3, \ldots$ are enumerations of $A$ and $B$, then the map $f$ given by the rule
- $\map f {\tuple {a_k, a_l} } = \dfrac {\paren {k + l - 1} \paren {k + l - 2} } 2 + \dfrac {l + \paren {-1}^{k + 1} } 2 k + \dfrac {1 + \paren {-1}^{k + l - 1} } 2 l$
- gives an enumeration of $\tuple {A \times B}$.
Source work progress
- 1964: Steven A. Gaal: Point Set Topology ... (previous) ... (next): Introduction to Set Theory: $3$. The Axiom of Choice and Its Equivalents
- From here on in there is much work to do on Axiom:Axiom of Choice.
- Starting on Chapter $\text I$ with Next:
- 1964: Steven A. Gaal: Point Set Topology ... (previous) ... (next): Chapter $\text {I}$: Topological Spaces: $1$. Open Sets and Closed Sets: Exercise $1 \ \text{(c)}$