Category:Definitions/Adjacent (Polyhedra)

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This category contains definitions related to adjacent in the context of polyhedra.
Related results can be found in Category:Adjacent (Polyhedra).

Adjacent Face to Vertex

Each vertex of a polyhedron is formed by the intersection of a number of faces.

The faces that form a particular vertex are referred to as the adjacents of that vertex, or described as adjacent to that vertex.

Adjacent Face to Edge

Each edge of a polyhedron is formed by the intersection of two faces.

The faces that form a particular edge are referred to as the adjacents of that edge, or described as adjacent to that edge.

Adjacent Faces

Two faces of a polyhedron that meet at the same vertex are adjacent to each other.

Adjacent Edge to Face

The edges that intersect at a particular face are referred to as the adjacents of that face, or described as adjacent to that face.

Adjacent Edge to Edge

Two edges of a polyhedron that intersect at a particular vertex are referred to as adjacent to each other.

Adjacent Vertex to Face

The vertices that intersect a particular face are referred to as the adjacents of that face, or described as adjacent to that face.