Category:Definitions/Loglinear Models

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This category contains definitions related to Loglinear Models.
Related results can be found in Category:Loglinear Models.

A loglinear model is used in the context of a contingency table.

Let $\CC$ be a contingency table with $r$ rows and $c$ columns.

Let rows and columns of $\CC$ be independent.

The expected frequency of cell $\tuple {i, j}$ is:

$m_{i j} = \dfrac {n_{i+} n_{+j} } N$


$N$ is the total for $\CC$
$n_{i+}$ and $n_{+j}$ denote the totals for the $i$th row and $j$th column.

Then taking logarithms:

$\ln m_{i j} = \ln n_{i+} + n_{+j} - \ln N$

That is, the logarithm of the expected number in each cell is a linear function of the logarithms of the row, column and grand totals.

Pages in category "Definitions/Loglinear Models"

This category contains only the following page.