Category:Examples of Friedman Numbers

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This category contains examples of Friedman Number.

A Friedman number (base $n$) is a (positive) integer which is the result of an expression in base $n$ arithmetic which contains exactly its digits.

The expression is subject to the following constraints:

$(1): \quad$ The arithmetic operators $+$, $-$, $\times$, $\div$ and exponentiation are the only operators which are allowed.
$(2): \quad$ Parentheses are allowed, but only in order to override the default operator precedence, otherwise every number would trivially be Friedman by $n = (n)$.
$(3): \quad$ Leading zeroes are not allowed, otherwise other numbers would trivially be Friedman by, for example, $011 = 10 + 1$.

Pages in category "Examples of Friedman Numbers"

This category contains only the following page.