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ASCII is an acronym for the American Standard Code for Information Interchange.

It is a binary code for converting common typographical symbols into a sequence of $7$ bits.

ASCII code
Code Decimal Hexadecimal Symbol Meaning Code Decimal Hexadecimal Symbol Code Decimal Hexadecimal Symbol Code Decimal Hexadecimal Symbol
$\text {000 0000}$ $0$ $0$ $\texttt {NUL}$ Null $\text {010 0000}$ $32$ $20$ (space) $\text {100 0000}$ $64$ $40$ $@$ $\text {110 0000}$ $96$ $\text {60}$ `
$\text {000 0001}$ $1$ $1$ $\texttt {SOH}$ Start of Heading $\text {010 0001}$ $33$ $21$ $\texttt !$ $\text {100 0001}$ $65$ $\text {41}$ $\texttt A$ $\text {110 0001}$ $97$ $\text {61}$ $\texttt a$
$\text {000 0010}$ $2$ $2$ $\texttt {STX}$ Start of Text $\text {010 0010}$ $34$ $22$ $\texttt "$ $\text {100 0010}$ $66$ $\text {42}$ $\texttt B$ $\text {110 0010}$ $98$ $\text {62}$ $\texttt b$
$\text {000 0011}$ $3$ $3$ $\texttt {ETX}$ End of Text $\text {010 0011}$ $35$ $23$ $\texttt #$ $\text {100 0011}$ $67$ $\text {43}$ $\texttt C$ $\text {110 0011}$ $99$ $\text {63}$ $\texttt c$
$\text {000 0100}$ $4$ $4$ $\texttt {EOT}$ End of Transmission $\text {010 0100}$ $36$ $24$ $\$ $ $\text {100 0100}$ $68$ $\text {44}$ $\texttt D$ $\text {110 0100}$ $100$ $\text {64}$ $\texttt d$
$\text {000 0101}$ $5$ $5$ $\texttt {ENQ}$ Enquiry $\text {010 0101}$ $37$ $25$ $\texttt %$ $\text {100 0101}$ $69$ $\text {45}$ $\texttt E$ $\text {110 0101}$ $101$ $\text {65}$ $\texttt e$
$\text {000 0110}$ $6$ $6$ $\texttt {ACK}$ Acknowledge $\text {010 0110}$ $38$ $26$ $\texttt &$ $\text {100 0110}$ $70$ $\text {46}$ $\texttt F$ $\text {110 0110}$ $102$ $\text {66}$ $\texttt f$
$\text {000 0111}$ $7$ $7$ $\texttt {BEL}$ Bell $\text {010 0111}$ $39$ $27$ $\texttt '$ $\text {100 0111}$ $71$ $\text {47}$ $\texttt G$ $\text {110 0111}$ $103$ $\text {67}$ $\texttt g$
$\text {000 1000}$ $8$ $8$ $\texttt {BS}$ Backspace $\text {010 1000}$ $40$ $28$ $\texttt ($ $\text {100 1000}$ $72$ $\text {48}$ $\texttt H$ $\text {110 1000}$ $104$ $\text {68}$ $\texttt h$
$\text {000 1001}$ $9$ $9$ $\texttt {TAB}$ Horizontal Tab $\text {010 1001}$ $41$ $29$ $\texttt )$ $\text {100 1001}$ $73$ $\text {49}$ $\texttt I$ $\text {110 1001}$ $105$ $\text {69}$ $\texttt i$
$\text {000 1010}$ $10$ $\text A$ $\texttt {LF}$ NL: Line Feed, New Line $\text {010 1010}$ $42$ $\text {2A}$ $\texttt *$ $\text {100 1010}$ $74$ $\text {4A}$ $\texttt J$ $\text {110 1010}$ $106$ $\text {6A}$ $\texttt j$
$\text {000 1011}$ $11$ $\text B$ $\texttt {VT}$ Vertical Tab $\text {010 1011}$ $43$ $\text {2B}$ $\texttt +$ $\text {100 1011}$ $75$ $\text {4B}$ $\texttt K$ $\text {110 1011}$ $107$ $\text {6B}$ $\texttt k$
$\text {000 1100}$ $12$ $\text C$ $\texttt {FF}$ NP: Form Feed, New Page $\text {010 1100}$ $44$ $\text {2C}$ $\texttt ,$ $\text {100 1100}$ $76$ $\text {4C}$ $\texttt L$ $\text {110 1100}$ $108$ $\text {6C}$ $\texttt l$
$\text {000 1101}$ $13$ $\text D$ $\texttt {CR}$ Carriage Return $\text {010 1101}$ $45$ $\text {2D}$ $\texttt -$ $\text {100 1101}$ $77$ $\text {4D}$ $\texttt M$ $\text {110 1101}$ $109$ $\text {6D}$ $\texttt m$
$\text {000 1110}$ $14$ $\text E$ $\texttt {SO}$ Shift Out $\text {010 1110}$ $46$ $\text {2E}$ $\texttt .$ $\text {100 1110}$ $78$ $\text {4E}$ $\texttt N$ $\text {110 1110}$ $110$ $\text {6E}$ $\texttt n$
$\text {000 1111}$ $15$ $\text F$ $\texttt {SI}$ Shift In $\text {010 1111}$ $47$ $\text {2F}$ $\texttt /$ $\text {100 1111}$ $79$ $\text {4F}$ $\texttt O$ $\text {110 1111}$ $111$ $\text {6F}$ $\texttt o$
$\text {001 0000}$ $16$ $10$ $\texttt {DLE}$ Data Link Escape $\text {011 0000}$ $48$ $\text {30}$ $\texttt 0$ $\text {101 0000}$ $80$ $\text {50}$ $\texttt P$ $\text {111 0000}$ $112$ $\text {70}$ $\texttt p$
$\text {001 0001}$ $17$ $11$ $\texttt {DC1}$ Device Control 1 $\text {011 0001}$ $49$ $\text {31}$ $\texttt 1$ $\text {101 0001}$ $81$ $\text {51}$ $\texttt Q$ $\text {111 0001}$ $113$ $\text {71}$ $\texttt q$
$\text {001 0010}$ $18$ $12$ $\texttt {DC2}$ Device Control 2 $\text {011 0010}$ $50$ $\text {32}$ $\texttt 2$ $\text {101 0010}$ $82$ $\text {52}$ $\texttt R$ $\text {111 0010}$ $114$ $\text {72}$ $\texttt r$
$\text {001 0011}$ $19$ $13$ $\texttt {DC3}$ Device Control 3 $\text {011 0011}$ $51$ $\text {33}$ $\texttt 3$ $\text {101 0011}$ $83$ $\text {53}$ $\texttt S$ $\text {111 0011}$ $115$ $\text {73}$ $\texttt s$
$\text {001 0100}$ $20$ $14$ $\texttt {DC4}$ Device Control 4 $\text {011 0100}$ $52$ $\text {34}$ $\texttt 4$ $\text {101 0100}$ $84$ $\text {54}$ $\texttt T$ $\text {111 0100}$ $116$ $\text {74}$ $\texttt t$
$\text {001 0101}$ $21$ $15$ $\texttt {NAK}$ Negative Acknowledge $\text {011 0101}$ $53$ $\text {35}$ $\texttt 5$ $\text {101 0101}$ $85$ $\text {55}$ $\texttt U$ $\text {111 0101}$ $117$ $\text {75}$ $\texttt u$
$\text {001 0110}$ $22$ $16$ $\texttt {SYN}$ Synchronous Idle $\text {011 0110}$ $54$ $\text {36}$ $\texttt 6$ $\text {101 0110}$ $86$ $\text {56}$ $\texttt V$ $\text {111 0110}$ $118$ $\text {76}$ $\texttt v$
$\text {001 0111}$ $23$ $17$ $\texttt {ETB}$ End of Transmission Block $\text {011 0111}$ $55$ $\text {37}$ $\texttt 7$ $\text {101 0111}$ $87$ $\text {57}$ $\texttt W$ $\text {111 0111}$ $119$ $\text {77}$ $\texttt w$
$\text {001 1000}$ $24$ $18$ $\texttt {CAN}$ Cancel $\text {011 1000}$ $56$ $\text {38}$ $\texttt 8$ $\text {101 1000}$ $88$ $\text {58}$ $\texttt X$ $\text {111 1000}$ $120$ $\text {78}$ $\texttt x$
$\text {001 1001}$ $25$ $\text {19}$ $\texttt {EM}$ End of Medium $\text {011 1001}$ $57$ $\text {39}$ $\texttt 9$ $\text {101 1001}$ $89$ $\text {59}$ $\texttt Y$ $\text {111 1001}$ $121$ $\text {79}$ $\texttt y$
$\text {001 1010}$ $26$ $\text {1A}$ $\texttt {SUB}$ Substitute $\text {011 1010}$ $58$ $\text {3A}$ $\texttt :$ $\text {101 1010}$ $90$ $\text {5A}$ $\texttt Z$ $\text {111 1010}$ $122$ $\text {7A}$ $\texttt z$
$\text {001 1011}$ $27$ $\text {1B}$ $\texttt {ESC}$ Escape $\text {011 1011}$ $59$ $\text {3B}$ $\texttt ;$ $\text {101 1011}$ $91$ $\text {5B}$ $\texttt [$ $\text {111 1011}$ $123$ $\text {7B}$ $\texttt \{$
$\text {001 1100}$ $28$ $\text {1C}$ $\texttt {FS}$ File Separator $\text {011 1100}$ $60$ $\text {3C}$ $\texttt <$ $\text {101 1100}$ $92$ $\text {5C}$ $\texttt {\ }$ $\text {111 1100}$ $124$ $\text {7C}$ $
$\text {001 1101}$ $29$ $\text {1D}$ $\texttt {GS}$ Group Separator $\text {011 1101}$ $61$ $\text {3D}$ $\texttt =$ $\text {101 1101}$ $93$ $\text {5D}$ $\texttt ]$ $\text {111 1101}$ $125$ $\text {7D}$ $\texttt \}$
$\text {001 1110}$ $30$ $\text {1E}$ $\texttt {RS}$ Record Separator $\text {011 1110}$ $62$ $\text {3E}$ $\texttt >$ $\text {101 1110}$ $94$ $\text {5E}$ $\texttt ^$ $\text {111 1110}$ $126$ $\text {7E}$ $\texttt ~$
$\text {001 1111}$ $31$ $\text {1F}$ $\texttt {US}$ Unit Separator $\text {011 1111}$ $63$ $\text {3F}$ $\texttt ?$ $\text {101 1111}$ $95$ $\text {5F}$ $\texttt _$ $\text {111 1111}$ $127$ $\text {7F}$ $\texttt {DEL}$

Also see

  • Results about ASCII can be found here.
