Definition:Unlimited Register Machine/Program/Basic Instruction

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The basic instructions of a URM program form a finite sequence and hence can be considered a set indexed by the (positive) integer $1, 2, 3, \ldots$.

The basic instructions are as follows:

Name Notation Effect Description
Zero $\map Z n$ $0 \to R_n$ Replace the number in $R_n$ by $0$.
Successor $\map S n$ $r_n + 1 \to R_n$ Add $1$ to the number in $R_n$.
Copy $\map C {m, n}$ $r_m \to R_n$ Replace the number in $R_n$ by the number in $R_m$ (leaving the one in $R_m$ as it was).
Jump $\map J {m, n, q}$ $r_m = r_n ? \Rightarrow q$ If the numbers in $R_m$ and $R_n$ are equal, go to instruction number $q$, otherwise go to the next instruction.


The operation of carrying out a basic URM instruction is referred to as execution.

Also known as

Basic URM instructions are also (and more commonly) known as commands, because the word is shorter and quicker to say.

During the course of the exposition, the term instruction will also be found, which again means the same thing.

Also see

  • Results about unlimited register machines can be found here.
