Definition:Concatenation (Formal Systems)
This page is about Concatenation in the context of formal systems. For other uses, see Concatenation.
Let $\AA$ be an alphabet of symbols.
Concatenation is the process of placing elements of $\AA$ and words in $\AA$ next to each other to form a longer word.
Arbitrary Example 1
Let $a, b, c \in \AA$.
Then concatenating $b$ to $a$ results in the word $ab$, and concatenating $c$ gives the word $abc$.
Concatenating $b$ then gives $abcb$.
Concatenating $aba$ to $aabcba$ gives the word $aabcbaaba$.
Arbitrary Example 2
Let $A$ be the string $\text {dog}$.
Let $B$ be the string $\text {house}$.
Then concatenating $B$ to $A$ results in the string $\text {doghouse}$.
Also see
- Results about concatenation in the context of formal systems can be found here.
Linguistic Note
The word concatenation derives from the Latin com- for with/together and the Latin word catena for chain.
However, the end result of such an operation is not to be confused with a (set theoretical) chain.
- 1979: John E. Hopcroft and Jeffrey D. Ullman: Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation ... (previous) ... (next): Chapter $1$: Preliminaries: $1.1$ Strings, Alphabets and Languages
- 1988: Dominic Welsh: Codes and Cryptography ... (previous) ... (next): Notation: Alphabets and strings