Definition:Edgeless Graph

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An edgeless graph is a graph with no edges.

That is, an edgeless graph is a graph of size zero.

Equivalently, an edgeless graph is a graph whose vertices are all isolated.

The edgeless graph of order $n$ is denoted $N_n$ and can be referred to as the $n$-edgeless graph.


The edgeless graphs of order $1$ to $5$ are illustrated below:


Also known as

An edgeless graph is sometimes called an empty graph.

Thus the term $n$-empty graph can often be seen for $N_n$.

The symbol $\overline K_n$ is frequently used to denote the $n$-edgeless graph, which follows from Complement of Complete Graph is Edgeless Graph.

The term null graph can also be found, but this can be confused with the graph with no vertices.

Also see

  • Results about edgeless graphs can be found here.
