Definition:Planar Graph

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A planar graph is a graph which can be drawn in the plane (for example, on a piece of paper) without any of the edges crossing over, that is, meeting at points other than the vertices.


Arbitrary Example

This is a planar graph:


Complete Bipartite Graph K2,3

The complete bipartite graph $K_{2, 3}$ is a planar graph:



The faces of a planar graph are the areas which are surrounded by edges.

In the above, the faces are $BCEF$, $ABF$, $CFG$, $AFG$ and $ABCDCEG$.


Let $G = \struct {V, E}$ be a planar graph:

Then a face of $G$ is incident to an edge $e$ of $G$ if $e$ is one of those which surrounds the face.

Similarly, a face of $G$ is incident to a vertex $v$ of $G$ if $v$ is at the end of one of those incident edges.

In the above graph, for example, the face $BCEF$ is incident to:

the edges $BC, CE, EF, FB$
the vertices $B, C, E, F$.


Let $G = \struct {V, E}$ be a planar graph.

Two faces of $G$ are adjacent if and only if they are both incident to the same edge (or edges).

In the above diagram, $BCEF$ and $ABF$ are adjacent, but $BCEF$ and $AFG$ are not adjacent.


A non-planar graph is a graph which is not planar.

This is a non-planar graph:


Also see

  • Results about planar graphs can be found here.
