Definition:Rydberg Constant/Value

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Rydberg Constant: Value

The value of the Rydberg constant is:

\(\ds R_\infty\) \(\approx\) \(\ds 1 \cdotp 09737 \, 31568 \, 160(21) \times 10^7\) $\mathrm {m^{-1} }$
\(\ds \) \(\approx\) \(\ds 1 \cdotp 09737 \, 31568 \, 160(21) \times 10^5\) $\mathrm {cm^{-1} }$


which gives the mantissa as $1 \cdotp 097 \, 373 \, 12$ with an uncertainty of $\pm 11$ corresponding to the $2$ least significant figures