Definition:Continued Fraction/Simple/Finite
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Let $\R$ be the set of real numbers.
Let $n \ge 0$ be a natural number.
A simple finite continued fraction of length $n$ is a finite continued fraction in $\R$ of length $n$ whose partial denominators are integers that are strictly positive, except perhaps the first.
That is, it is a finite sequence $a: \closedint 0 n \to \Z$ with $a_n > 0$ for $n > 0$.
Also known as
A simple finite continued fraction can be abbreviated SFCF.
It is also known as a regular finite continued fraction.
The order of the words can be varied, that is finite simple continued fraction for example, but $\mathsf{Pr} \infty \mathsf{fWiki}$ strives for consistency and does not use that form.
Also see
- Definition:Value of Finite Continued Fraction
- Definition:Simple Infinite Continued Fraction
- Correspondence between Rational Numbers and Simple Finite Continued Fractions
- Results about simple continued fractions can be found here.
- 1963: C.D. Olds: Continued Fractions: $\S \ 1.2$: Definitions and Notation
- Weisstein, Eric W. "Simple Continued Fraction." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.