Finite State Machine is Turing Computable

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Let $F = \tuple {S, A, I, \Sigma, T}$ be a finite state machine.

Then there exists a Turing machine $T$ that:

  • Has input language $\Sigma$.
  • Accepts exactly the same language as $F$.
  • Halts on every input.


Define the Turing machine:

$T = \tuple {S \cup \set {H}, \Sigma, \Sigma \cup \set B, \delta, I, B, \set H}$


$\map \delta {s, \sigma} = \tuple {\map T {s, \sigma}, \sigma, R}$ if $q \in S$ and $\sigma \ne B$
$\map \delta {s, B} = \tuple {H, B, R}$ if $s \in A$

The machine behaves identically to $F$ while the input is being read.

When there is no more input, if $\sigma \in A$, then $T$ transitions to the $H$ state, which is the accepting state.

If $\sigma \notin A$, then there is no transition defined, so $T$ halts without accepting.

As $T$ only moves $R$, it will eventually reach the end of the input word, and one of these two conditions must hold.
