GCD from Prime Decomposition/Examples

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Examples of Use of GCD from Prime Decomposition

$121$ and $66$

The greatest common divisor of $121$ and $66$ is:

$\gcd \set {121, 66} = 11$

$169$ and $273$

The greatest common divisor of $169$ and $273$ is:

$\gcd \set {169, 273} = 13$

$51$ and $87$

The greatest common divisor of $51$ and $87$ is:

$\gcd \set {51, 87} = 3$

$2187$ and $999$

The greatest common divisor of $2187$ and $999$ is:

$\gcd \set {2187, 999} = 27$

$64$ and $81$

The greatest common divisor of $64$ and $81$ is:

$\gcd \set {64, 81} = 1$

$39$, $102$ and $75$

The greatest common divisor of $39$, $102$ and $75$ is:

$\gcd \set {39, 102, 75} = 3$

$p^2 q$ and $p q r$

The greatest common divisor of $p^2 q$ and $p q r$, where $p$, $q$ and $r$ are all primes, is:

$\gcd \set {p^2 q, p q r} = p q$