Greek Anthology Book XIV: Metrodorus: 128/Historical Note

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Historical Note on Metrodorus' Arithmetical Epigram no. 128

What violence my brother has done me, dividing our father's fortune of five talents unjustly!
Poor tearful I have this fifth part of the seven-elevenths of my brother's share.
Zeus, thou sleepest sound.

The translator plaintively remarks on the solution:

The one offered is that the one brother had $4 \frac 4 {11}$ of a talent, the other $\frac 7 {11}$, but I cannot work it out.

Doubtless, as is apparent in the calculation given here on $\mathsf{Pr} \infty \mathsf{fWiki}$.

This would have been correct had the question been worded:

... I have this fifth part of the seven-elevenths of the total inheritance

but it isn't so it's not.
