Henry Ernest Dudeney/Modern Puzzles/133 - A Problem for Surveyors/Solution

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Modern Puzzles by Henry Ernest Dudeney: $133$

A Problem for Surveyors
A man bought a little field, and here is a scale map that was given to me.
I asked my surveyor to tell me the area of the field,
but he said it was impossible without some further measurements;
the mere length of one side, $7$ rods, was insufficient.
What was his surprise when I showed him in about two minutes what was the area!
Can you tell how it is to be done?


The construction given below takes advantage of the fact that $\angle AFG$ is a right angle.


Produce $GA$.

Construct $AC$.

Construct a straight line through $B$ parallel to $AC$ to meet $GA$ at $1$.

Construct $1D$.

Construct a straight line through $C$ parallel to $1D$ to meet $GA$ at $2$.

Construct $2E$.

Construct a straight line through $D$ parallel to $2E$ to meet $GA$ at $3$.

Construct $3F$.

Construct a straight line through $E$ parallel to $3F$ to meet $GA$ at $4$.

Construct $4G$.

Then $\triangle G4F$ is equal in area to the field $ABCDEFG$.

