Henry Ernest Dudeney/Modern Puzzles/152 - A New Leap-Frog Puzzle/Solution

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Modern Puzzles by Henry Ernest Dudeney: $152$

A New Leap-Frog Puzzle
Make a rough board, as shown, and place seventeen counters on the squares indicated.
The puzzle is to remove all but one by a series of leaping moves, as in draughts or solitaire.
A counter can be made to leap over another to the next square beyond, if vacant, and you then remove the one jumped over.
It will be seen that the first leap must be made by the central counter, No. $9$, and one has the choice of $8$ directions.
A continuous series of leaps with the same counter will count as a single move.
It is required to take off $26$ counters in $4$ moves, leaving the No. $9$ on its original centre square.
Every play must be a leap.


Make the following plays:

$9$ over $13$, $14$, $6$, $4$, $3$, $1$, $2$, $7$, $15$, $17$, $16$, $11$.
$12$ over $8$.
$10$ over $5$ and $12$.
$9$ over $10$.
