Henry Ernest Dudeney/Modern Puzzles/182 - A New Domino Puzzle

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Modern Puzzles by Henry Ernest Dudeney: $182$

A New Domino Puzzle
Two dominoes have been placed together so that by taking the pips in unbroken conjunction
I can get all the numbers from $1$ to $9$ inclusive.
Thus, $1$, $2$ and $3$ can be taken alone;
then $1$ and $3$ make $4$; $3$ and $2$ make $5$; $3$ and $3$ make $6$;
$1$, $3$ and $3$ make $7$; $3$, $3$ and $2$ make $8$, and $1$, $3$, $3$ and $2$ make $9$.
It would not have been allowed to take the $1$ and the $2$ to make $3$, nor to take the first $3$ and the $2$ to make $5$.
The numbers would not have been in conjunction.
Now try to arrange four dominoes so that you can make the pips in this way sum to any number from $1$ to $24$ inclusive.
The dominoes need not be placed $1$ against $1$, $2$ against $2$, and so on, as in play.

Click here for solution
