Henry Ernest Dudeney/Modern Puzzles/196 - Les Quadrilles

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Modern Puzzles by Henry Ernest Dudeney: $196$

Les Quadrilles
This old French puzzle will, I think, be found very interesting.
It is required to arrange a complete set of $28$ dominoes so as to form the figure shown in the diagram,
with all the numbers forming a series of squares.
Thus, in the upper two rows we have a square of blanks, and a square of four $3$'s, and a square of $4$'s, and a square of $1$'s and so on.
This is, in fact, a perfect solution under the conditions usually imposed,
but what I now ask for is an arrangement with no blanks anywhere on the outer edge.
At present every number from blank to $6$ inclusive will be found somewhere on the margin.
Can you construct an arrangement with all the blanks inside?

Click here for solution
