Henry Ernest Dudeney/Modern Puzzles/30 - The Staircase Race

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Modern Puzzles by Henry Ernest Dudeney: $30$

The Staircase Race
This is a rough sketch of a race up a staircase in which $3$ men took part.
Ackworth, who is leading, went up $3$ risers at a time, as arranged;
Barnden, the second man, went $4$ risers at a time,
and Croft, who is last, went $5$ at a time.
Undoubtedly Ackworth wins.
But the point is,
How many risers are there in the stairs, counting the top landing as a riser?
I have shown only the top of the stairs.
There may be scores, or hundreds, of risers below the line.
It was not necessary to draw them, as I only wanted to show the finish.
But it is possible to tell from the evidence the fewest possible risers in that staircase.
Can you do it?

Click here for solution
