Henry Ernest Dudeney/Modern Puzzles/76 - The Nine Volumes

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Modern Puzzles by Henry Ernest Dudeney: $76$

The Nine Volumes
In a small bookcase were arranged $9$ volumes of some big work,
numbered from $1$ to $9$ inclusive,
on $3$ shelves exactly as shown:
  26  5  9
 184     3
The $9$ digits express money value.
You will see that they are so arranged that $\pounds 26 \ 5 \shillings \ 9 \oldpence$ multiplied by $7$ will produce $\pounds 184 \ 0 \shillings \ 3 \oldpence$
Every digit represented once, and yet they form a correct sum in the multiplication of money.
But in the blank shillings space in the bottom row is a slight defect, and I want to correct it.
The puzzle is to use the multiplier $3$, instead of $7$, and get a correct result with the $9$ volumes, without any blank space;
with pounds, shillings and pence all represented in both the top and bottom line.

Click here for solution
