Maximum Number of Arcs in Digraph/Examples

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Examples of Use of Maximum Number of Arcs in Digraph

Maximum Arcs in Digraph of Order 3

Let $D$ be the digraph of order $3$ whose edge set $E$ is as large as possible.

Then the number of arcs of $G$ is given by:

$\size E = 6$

Maximum Arcs in Digraph of Order 4

Let $D$ be the digraph of order $4$ whose edge set $E$ is as large as possible.

Then the number of arcs of $G$ is given by:

$\size E = 12$

Maximum Arcs in Digraph of Order 5

Let $D$ be the digraph of order $5$ whose edge set $E$ is as large as possible.

Then the number of arcs of $G$ is given by:

$\size E = 20$