Minimum Degree is at Least Connectivity

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Let $G = \struct {V, E}$ be a simple graph.


$\map \delta G \ge \map \kappa G$

That is, the minimum degree of $G$ is at least its connectivity.


Pick a vertex $v \in G$ with $\map {\deg_G} v = \map \delta G$, that is, a vertex with minimum degree.

Recall that $\map {\Gamma_G} v$ is the neighborhood of $v$ in $G$.

Suppose that $V = \map {\Gamma_G} v \cup \set v$.

That is, that $v$ is adjacent to all other vertices of $G$.


$\card V = \card {\map {\Gamma_G} v} + 1 = \map \delta G + 1$

By definition, $\map \kappa G < \card V$, so $\map \kappa G \le \map \delta G$.

Otherwise, there is at least one vertex of $G$ not adjacent to $v$.

So, deleting $\map {\Gamma_G} v$ from $G$ leaves $v$ isolated.

Thus $\map {\Gamma_G} v$ is a vertex cut of size $\map \delta G$.

Since $G$ has a vertex cut of size $\map \delta G$, it follows that $\map \kappa G \le \map \delta G$.



This bound is not necessarily tight:


In this example, the minimum degree of the graph is $2$, yet $C$ is a cut-vertex and so this graph has connectivity $1$.