Number of Permutations/Examples/Numbers Greater than 200 from 1, 2, 3, 4

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Example of Use of Number of Permutations

Let $N$ be the number of ways you can make a number greater than $200$ using the digits $1$, $2$, $3$ and $4$ no more than once each.


$N = 42$


From Number of Permutations, you can make $24$ numbers using all $4$ digits once each, and all will be over $200$.

You cannot make a number greater than $200$ using $2$ digits or fewer.

From Number of Permutations, you can make $\dfrac {4!} {\paren {4 - 3}!} = \dfrac {24} 1 = 24$ numbers using only $3$ digits.

$6$ of those begin with $1$, and so are not greater than $200$.


$N = 24 + 24 - 6$

Hence the result.

