Point is Isolated iff not Accumulation Point

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Let $T = \struct {S, \tau}$ be a topological space.

Let $H \subseteq S$.

Let $x \in H$.


$x$ is an isolated point in $H$

if and only if:

$x$ is not an accumulation point of $H$


Sufficient Condition

Let $x \in H$ be an isolated point in $H$.

Then by definition of isolated point:

$\exists U \in \tau: H \cap U = \set x$

That is, by definition of uniqueness:

$\lnot \forall U \in \tau: \paren {x \in U \implies \exists y \in S: \paren {y \in H \cap U \land x \ne y} }$

Hence by Characterization of Derivative by Open Sets:

$x \notin A'$

where $A'$ denotes the derivative of $A$.

Thus by definition of derivative:

$x$ is not an accumulation point of $H$.


Necessary Condition

Let $x \in H$ not be an accumulation point of $H$.

Thus by definition of derivative:

$x \notin A'$


\(\ds \lnot \forall U \in \tau: \, \) \(\ds \) \(\) \(\ds \paren {x \in U \implies \exists y \in S: \paren {y \in H \cap U \land x \ne y} }\) Characterization of Derivative by Open Sets
\(\ds \exists U \in \tau: \, \) \(\ds \) \(\) \(\ds \lnot \paren {x \in U \implies \exists y \in S: \paren {y \in H \cap U \land x \ne y} }\) Denial of Universality
\(\ds \exists U \in \tau: \, \) \(\ds \) \(\) \(\ds \paren {x \in U \land \lnot \exists y \in S: \paren {y \in H \cap U \land x \ne y} }\) [[ Conjunction with Negative is Equivalent to Negation of Conditional]]
\(\ds \exists U \in \tau: \, \) \(\ds \) \(\) \(\ds \paren {x \in U \land \forall y \in S: \lnot \paren {y \in H \cap U \land x \ne y} }\) Denial of Existence
\(\ds \exists U \in \tau: \, \) \(\ds \) \(\) \(\ds \paren {x \in U \land \forall y \in S: \paren {y \in H \cap U \implies x = y} }\) Conditional is Equivalent to Negation of Conjunction with Negative
\(\ds \exists U \in \tau: \, \) \(\ds \) \(\) \(\ds H \cap U = \set x\) Definition of Unique, and $x \in H$

Thus by definition of isolated point:

$x$ is an isolated point in $H$.
