Propositiones ad Acuendos Juvenes/Problems/8 - De Cupa

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Propositiones ad Acuendos Juvenes by Alcuin of York: Problem $8$

De Cupa
A Cask and Three Pipes
A cask is filled with $100$ metretae through $3$ pipes.
One third plus one sixth of the capacity flows through one pipe,
one third of the capacity flows through another,
but only a sixth of the capacity flows through the third.
How many sextarii flow in through each pipe?


$3600$ sextarii flow in through the first pipe;
$2400$ sextarii flow in through the second pipe;
$1200$ sextarii flow in through the third pipe.


First note that there are $72$ sextarii to the metreta.

Hence there are $7200$ sextarii in total in the cask.

Through the first pipe we have:

$\dfrac 1 3 \times 7200 + \dfrac 1 6 \times 7200 = 3600$

Through the second pipe we have:

$\dfrac 1 3 \times 7200 = 2400$

Through the third pipe we have:

$\dfrac 1 6 \times 7200 = 1200$


Historical Note

While some authors classify this as a cistern problem, David Singmaster argues that it lacks the characteristic usage of flow rates that normally occur in such.
