Symbols:Prime/Feet and Inches

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Feet and Inches

${}^\prime$ and ${}^{\prime \prime}$

One of the symbols in general use for feet and inches is ${}^{\prime}$ and ${}^{\prime \prime}$.

Thus, for example, $6$ feet $3$ inches is presented as:

$6^\prime \, 3^{\prime \prime}$

The $\LaTeX$ code for \(6^\prime \, 3^{\prime \prime}\) is 6^\prime \, 3^{\prime \prime}  or 6' \, 3' '.

Technical Note

Note that there are rendering issues with the prime symbol $'$ in the Mathjax version of $\LaTeX$.

Spaces need to be included between adjacent instances of $'$.

Otherwise, MathJax will interpret consecutive instances as compiler imperatives to implement italics or bold.

Hence, for example, the $\LaTeX$ for $x' '$ needs to be written as x' '.
