Thabit Pair/Examples/17,296-18,416/Historical Note

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Historical Note on Thabit pair $17 \,296$ and $18 \,416$

Most of the literature on the subject states that the Thabit pair $\tuple {17 \,296, 18 \, 416}$ was discovered by Ibn al-Banna' al-Marrakushi.

However, as it is generated by Thabit's Rule for the accessibly low number $n = 4$, it is implausible to suppose that it had not in fact been discovered previously by Thabit ibn Qurra himself.

Hence it would be more accurate to say that Ibn al-Banna' rediscovered' it.

In $1636$ it was again rediscovered, this time by Pierre de Fermat, who also rediscovered Thabit's Rule.
