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Is $\mathbb N \times \mathbb N$ a lattice? Yes. There are at least four lattices on $\mathbb N \times \mathbb N$.

Is the absolute value function a homeomorphism? No. The absolute value function is not a bijection.

What are the essential properties of logarithms?
What are the commutative monoids on $\mathbb N$?
Observe that $e_0≝0, e_1≝ 1^{e_0 }=1, e_2≝ 2^{e_1}=2, e_3≝ 3^{e_2}=9, e_4≝ 4^{e_3}=262144,$ … is the exponential factorial sequence.
What essential properties of the protointegers are required to prove the essential properties of the Royal numbers?
What are the essential properties of the Royal numbers?