Binary Sequence Codes are Primitive Recursive

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The following function is primitive recursive:

$\map {\operatorname{bincode} } {n, i} = o_i$

where $o_i$ is the number of $1$ digits between the $i - 1$-th and $i$-th $0$ digit in the base-$2$ representation of $n$, starting from the least significant digits.

As a special case, $\map {\operatorname{bincode} } {n, 0}$ is the number of $1$ digits before the first $0$ digit.

In other words, suppose the base-$2$ representation of $n$ is:

$\sqbrk {\dots 1 1 \dots 1 1 0 1 1 \dots 1 1 0 1 1 \dots 1 1}$

Then $\map {\operatorname{bincode} } {n, i}$ is the length of the $i + 1$-th string of $1$ digits, counting from the right.


By Basis Representation is Primitive Recursive, we have that $\map {\operatorname{basis} } {b, n, i}$ is primitive recursive.

Consider the function:

$\map z {n, i} = \begin{cases}

\map {\mu j < n} {\map {\operatorname{basis} } {2, n, j} = 0} & : i = 0 \\ \map {\mu j < n} {j > \map z {n, i - 1} \land \map {\operatorname{basis} } {2, n, j} = 0} & : i > 0 \end{cases}$

It returns the position of the $i + 1$-th $0$ in the base-$2$ representation of $n$.

If the digit exists, it will always be found, as the base-$2$ representation is never longer than $n$.

If there is no such digit, then it returns a position beyond the representation.

In particular, consecutive values of $z$ that are beyond its length will always be at most $1$ apart, and increasing.

Additionally $z$, is primitive recursive, as:

and it is obtained by primitive recursion on them.


$\map {\operatorname{bincode} } {n, i} = \begin{cases}

\map z {n, 0} & : i = 0 \\ \map z {n, i} - \map z {n, i - 1} - 1 & : i > 0 \end{cases}$ which is primitive recursive by:

in addition to the above.
