Category:Commutative Diagrams

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This category contains results about Commutative Diagrams.

A commutative diagram is a graphical technique designed to illustrate the construction of composite mappings.

It is also a widespread tool in category theory, where it deals with morphisms instead of mappings.

$\quad\quad\begin{xy} \xymatrix@L+2mu@+1em{ S_1 \ar[r]^*{f_1} \ar@{-->}[rd]_*{f_2 \circ f_1} & S_2 \ar[d]^*{f_2} \\ & S_3 }\end{xy}$

It consists of:

$(1): \quad$ A collection of points representing the various domains and codomains of the mappings in question
$(2): \quad$ Arrows representing the mappings themselves.

The diagram is properly referred to as commutative if and only if all the various paths from the base of one arrow to the head of another represent equal mappings.

A mapping which is uniquely determined by the rest of the diagram may be indicated by a dotted arrow.

It is however generally advisable not to use more than one dotted arrow per diagram, so as to avoid confusion.


This category has only the following subcategory.