Category:Matrix Elements

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This category contains results about Matrix Elements.
Definitions specific to this category can be found in Definitions/Matrix Elements.

Let $\mathbf A$ be an $m \times n$ matrix over a set $S$.

The individual $m \times n$ elements of $S$ that go to form $\mathbf A = \sqbrk a_{m n}$ are known as the elements of the matrix.

The element at row $i$ and column $j$ is called element $\tuple {i, j}$ of $\mathbf A$, and can be written $a_{i j}$, or $a_{i, j}$ if $i$ and $j$ are of more than one character.

If the indices are still more complicated coefficients and further clarity is required, then the form $a \tuple {i, j}$ can be used.

Note that the first subscript determines the row, and the second the column, of the matrix where the element is positioned.

This category currently contains no pages or media.