Complex Modulus/Examples
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Examples of Complex Modulus
Complex Modulus of $i$
- $\cmod i = \cmod {-i} = 1$
Complex Modulus of $-5$
- $\left\vert{-5}\right\vert = 5$
Complex Modulus of $1 + i$
- $\cmod {1 + i} = \sqrt 2$
Complex Modulus of $4 + 3 i$
- $\cmod {4 + 3 i} = 5$
Complex Modulus of $-4 + 2 i$
- $\cmod {-4 + 2 i} = 2 \sqrt 5$
Complex Modulus of $7 + 24 i$
- $\cmod {7 + 24 i} = 25$
Complex Modulus of $3iz - z^2$
- $w = 3 i z - z^2$
where $z = x + i y$.
- $\cmod w^2 = x^4 + y^4 + 2 x^2 y^2 - 6 x^2 y - 6 y^3 + 9 x^2 + 9 y^2$
Complex Modulus of $\tan \theta + i$
- $\left\vert{\tan \theta + i}\right\vert = \left\vert{\sec \theta}\right\vert$
- $\theta \in \R$ is a real number
- $\tan \theta$ denotes the tangent function
- $\sec \theta$ denotes the secant function.
Complex Modulus of $\dfrac {1 + 2 i t - t^2} {1 + t^2}$
- $\cmod {\dfrac {1 + 2 i t - t^2} {1 + t^2} } = 1$
- $t \in \R$ is a real number.
Let $z_1 = 4 - 3 i$ and $z_2 = -1 + 2 i$.
Complex Modulus of $z_1 + z_2$
- $\cmod {z_1 + z_2} = \sqrt {10}$
Complex Modulus of $z_1 - z_2$
- $\cmod {z_1 - z_2} = 5 \sqrt 2$
Complex Modulus of $2 \overline z_1 - 3 \overline z_2 - 2$
- $\cmod {2 \overline {z_1} - 3 \overline {z_2} - 2} = 15$