Condition for Composite Mapping to be Identity

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Let $S$ and $T$ be sets.

Let $f: S \to T$ and $g: T \to S$ be mappings such that:

$g \circ f = I_S$

where $I_S$ is the identity mapping on $S$.

Then $f$ is an injection and $g$ is a surjection.


From Identity Mapping is Bijection, $I_S$ is a bijection.

From Identity Mapping is Injection, $I_S$ is an injection.

From Injection if Composite is Injection it follows that $f$ is an injection.

From Identity Mapping is Surjection, $I_S$ is a surjection.

From Surjection if Composite is Surjection it follows that $g$ is a surjection.

