Definition:A Fortiori
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A fortiori knowledge arises from stronger facts already established.
An a fortiori argument is most commonly used by applying a general fact to a particular case.
Prime Number
The following is an example of a fortiori reasoning:
- The number $11$ is a prime number.
- Hence $11$ a fortiori is not divisible by $5$.
A Family Matter
The following is an example of a fortiori reasoning:
- I am too old for this game; therefore, my father is also too old.
That is, the knowledge:
- My father is too old for this game.
arises a fortiori from the stronger knowledge that:
- I am too old for this game.
Also see
Linguistic Note
The phrase a fortiori derives from the Latin for from the stronger, that is, with even stronger reason.
- 1989: Ephraim J. Borowski and Jonathan M. Borwein: Dictionary of Mathematics ... (previous) ... (next): a fortiori
- 2014: Christopher Clapham and James Nicholson: The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Mathematics (5th ed.) ... (previous) ... (next): a fortiori
- 2021: Richard Earl and James Nicholson: The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Mathematics (6th ed.) ... (previous) ... (next): a fortiori