Definition:Differential Form

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Let $M$ be an $n$-dimensional $C^1$ manifold.

Let $p \in M$ be a point in $M$.

Let $T_p M$ be the tangent space at $p$.

Then $T_p^*M$ is the (algebraic) dual space denoted by ${T_p^*M}$.

Let $\ds \Lambda^k T^* M = \bigcup_{p \mathop \in M} \set p \times \map {\Lambda^k} {T_p^*M}$, endowed with its natural structure as a $C^0$ manifold.

A differential $k$-form is a continuous mapping:

$\omega : M \to \Lambda^kT^* M$


$\forall p \in M \map {\paren {\pi \circ \omega} } p = p$

where $\pi : \Lambda^k T^*M \to M$ is the projection onto the first argument, defined by:

$\map \pi {p, v} = p$

In other words, a differential form is a continuous mapping $\omega$ that assigns each point $p \in M$ an alternating $k$-form $\map \omega p$ on $T_p M$.

Also see

  • Results about differential forms can be found here.
