Definition:Equal Surface/Examples

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Examples of Equal Surfaces

Isothermal Surface

An isothermal surface is an equal surface $S$ embedded in a body $B$ with respect to a temperature field within $B$.

That is, it is a surface $S$ embedded in $B$ on which the temperature is equal throughout $S$.

Equidensity Surface

An equidensity surface is an equal surface $S$ embedded in a body $B$ with respect to a density field within $B$.

That is, it is a surface $S$ embedded in $B$ on which the (mass) density is equal throughout $S$.

Equipotential Surface

An equipotential surface is an equal surface $S$ embedded in a region of space $R$ with respect to an electric potential field (or in fact any conservative field) within $B$.

That is, it is a surface $S$ embedded in $R$ at which the electric potential is equal throughout $S$.