Definition:Fields Medal/Recipients/1970

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Recipients of the Fields Medal

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The recipients of the Fields Medal in $1970$ were as follows:

Alan Baker Generalized the Gelfond-Schneider theorem (the solution to Hilbert's seventh problem). From this work he generated transcendental numbers not previously identified.
Heisuke Hironaka Generalized work of Zariski who had proved for dimension ≤ 3 the theorem concerning the resolution of singularities on an algebraic variety. Hironaka proved the results in any dimension.
Sergei Petrovich Novikov Made important advances in topology, the most well-known being his proof of the topological invariance of the Pontryagin classes of the differentiable manifold. His work included a study of the cohomology and homotopy of Thom spaces.
John Griggs Thompson Proved jointly with Walter Feit that all non-cyclic finite simple groups have even order. The extension of this work by Thompson determined the minimal simple finite groups, that is, the simple finite groups whose proper subgroups are solvable.

Location of conference: Nice, France

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