Definition:Ker Function

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Let $K_n$ denote the modified Bessel function of the second kind.

The Ker function is defined as:

$\map {\Ker_n} x = \map \Re {\map {K_n} {x \map \exp {\dfrac {\pi i} 4} } }$


$\exp$ denotes the exponential function
$x$ is real
$\map \Re z$ denotes the real part of $z$.

Also known as

The Ker kunction, along with:

its imaginary counterpart the Kei function
the Ber function and Bei function

are known collectively as the Kelvin functions, for Lord Kelvin.

Some sources report and denote the Ker function uncapitalised: ker function.

Also see

  • Results about the Ker function can be found here.
