Definition:Theta Notation/Informal Definition

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Let $f: \N \to \R$ and $g: \N \to \R$ be real sequences, expressed as real-valued functions on the set of natural numbers $\N$.

$f$ is $\Theta$ of $g$

if and only if:

there exist positive constants $c_1$ and $c_2$ such that $\map f n$ can be "sandwiched" between $c_1 \map g n$ and $c_2 \map g n$ for sufficiently large $n \ge n_0$.

It is not as important to determine the values of $c_1$, $c_2$ as it is to establish that such constants exist.


The expression $\map f n \in \map \Theta {\map g n}$ is read as:

$\map f n$ is theta of $\map g n$

While it is correct and accurate to write:

$\map f n \in \map \Theta {\map g n}$

it is a common abuse of notation to write:

$\map f n = \map \Theta {\map g n}$

This notation offers some advantages.

Also known as

Some sources refer to $\Theta$ notation as big-$\Theta$ notation, in parallel with big-$\OO$ and big-$\Omega$.

However, it is worth bearing in mind that:

There is no Little-Theta Notation

and so there is no need to distinguish between big-$\Theta$ and little-$\theta$.

Hence $\mathsf{Pr} \infty \mathsf{fWiki}$ consistently use the term $\Theta$ notation, voicing it as theta notation.

Also see

  • Results about $\Theta$ notation can be found here.
