Definition talk:Ore Graph

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I thought the definition of Ore Graph also included the restriction $|V| \ge 3$ because graphs with less than $3$ vertices can only satisfy that degree condition vacuously. Also, the Ore's_Theorem and other results about Ore Graph often suppose $|V| \ge 3$.

But, surprising, the Wolfram Alpha's definition does not do so.

Thus, I think we can look more careful to this issue.

-- Hilder.vitor (talk) 21:06, 12 June 2016 (UTC)

Please note that in when posting a definition, it is important to state your source. Please read the house rules and style guide.
I have added the MathWorld source. But that is the only source we have cited. If you have access to a source (not online unless it can be backed up by reference to a hardcopy of a printed text) that specifically states the $n \ge 3$ condition, then please cite it. --prime mover (talk) 21:12, 12 June 2016 (UTC)