Directed in Join Semilattice

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Let $\struct {S, \preceq}$ be a join semilattice.

Let $H$ be a non-empty lower section of $S$.

Then $H$ is directed if and only if

$\forall x, y \in H: x \vee y \in H$


Sufficient Condition

Let us assume that

$H$ is directed.

Let $x, y \in H$.

By definition of directed:

$\exists z \in H: x \preceq z \land y \preceq z$

By definition

$z$ is upper bound of $\set {x, y}$

By definitions of supremum and join:

$x \vee y = \sup \set {x, y} \preceq z$

Thus by definition of lower section:

$x \vee y \in H$


Necessary Condition

Let us assume that

$\forall x, y \in H: x \vee y \in H$

Let $x, y \in H$.

By assumption:

$x \vee y \in H$

By definition of supremum:

$x \vee y$ is upper bound of $\set {x, y}$


$x \preceq x \vee y \land y \preceq x \vee y$

Thus by definition

$H$ is directed.

