Duality Principle (Order Theory)

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This proof is about Duality Principle in the context of Order Theory. For other uses, see Duality Principle.


Let $\Sigma$ be a statement about ordered sets (whether in natural or a formal language).

Let $\Sigma^*$ be the dual statement of $\Sigma$.

Local Duality

Let $\struct {S, \preceq}$ be an ordered set, and let $\struct {S, \succeq}$ be its dual.

Then the following are equivalent:

$(1): \quad \Sigma$ is true for $\struct {S, \preceq}$
$(2): \quad \Sigma^*$ is true for $\struct {S, \succeq}$

Global Duality

The following are equivalent:

$(1): \quad \Sigma$ is true for all ordered sets
$(2): \quad \Sigma^*$ is true for all ordered sets

Also see