Category:Order Theory
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This category contains results about Order Theory.
Definitions specific to this category can be found in Definitions/Order Theory.
Order theory is the branch of relation theory which studies orderings.
This category has the following 109 subcategories, out of 109 total.
- Approximating Relations (10 P)
- Auxiliary Relations (21 P)
- Axioms/Ordering Axioms (4 P)
- Comparable Elements (empty)
- Comparable Sets (1 P)
- Completely Prime Ideals (2 P)
- Convex Sets (Order Theory) (13 P)
- Directed Orderings (4 P)
- Dual Orderings (22 P)
- Dual Pairs (Order Theory) (17 P)
- Examples of Orderings (15 P)
- G-Ordered Classes (2 P)
- Join Operation (5 P)
- Max Operation (25 P)
- Meet Operation (5 P)
- Min Operation (19 P)
- Monotone Sequences (empty)
- Negative Numbers (empty)
- Negative Real Numbers (empty)
- Order Complete Sets (1 P)
- Order Generating Subsets (7 P)
- Order-Extension Principle (3 P)
- Ordered Classes (empty)
- Ordered Geometry (1 P)
- Ordered Sums (2 P)
- Ordering Principle (3 P)
- Orderings on Integers (12 P)
- Positive Real Numbers (empty)
- Predecessor Elements (1 P)
- Prime Elements (20 P)
- Prime Ideals (Order Theory) (15 P)
- Rays (Order Theory) (1 P)
- Simple Order Product (7 P)
- Strictly Negative Real Numbers (empty)
- Successor Elements (2 P)
- Topological Order Theory (34 P)
- Trichotomies (2 P)
- Upper Sections (17 P)
- Usual Ordering (empty)
- Way Below Relation (65 P)
Pages in category "Order Theory"
The following 136 pages are in this category, out of 136 total.
- Chain is Directed
- Closure Operator from Closed Elements
- Complement of Closed under Directed Suprema Subset is Inaccessible by Directed Suprema
- Complement of Inaccessible by Directed Suprema Subset is Closed under Directed Suprema
- Complement of Subset with Property (S) is Closed under Directed Suprema
- Composition of Inflationary Mappings is Inflationary
- Copi's Identity
- Correctness of Definition of Increasing Mappings Satisfying Inclusion in Lower Closure
- Countable Subset of Minimal Uncountable Well-Ordered Set Has Upper Bound
- Dedekind Completeness is Self-Dual
- Dedekind Completion is Unique up to Isomorphism
- Diagonal Relation is Ordering and Equivalence
- Directed Set has Strict Successors iff Unbounded Above
- Dominance Relation is Ordering
- Dual of Dual Statement (Order Theory)
- Dual Pairs (Order Theory)
- Duality Principle (Order Theory)
- Duality Principle (Order Theory)/Global Duality
- Duality Principle (Order Theory)/Local Duality
- Equivalence Induced on Preordering defines Ordering
- Equivalence of Definitions of Minimal Element
- Equivalence of Definitions of Order Complete Set
- Every Element is Directed and Every Two Elements are Included in Third Element implies Union is Directed
- Existence of Dedekind Completion
- Existence of Minimal Uncountable Well-Ordered Set
- Existence of Upper Bound of Finite Subset of Directed Set
- Extension of Directed Suprema Preserving Mapping to Complete Lattice Preserves Directed Suprema
- Extension of Infima Preserving Mapping to Complete Lattice Preserves Infima
- Filter is Ideal in Dual Ordered Set
- Finite Infima Set and Upper Closure is Filter
- Finite Infima Set and Upper Closure is Smallest Filter
- Finite Infima Set of Coarser Subset is Coarser than Finite Infima Set
- Finite Suprema Set and Lower Closure is Ideal
- Finite Suprema Set and Lower Closure is Smallest Ideal
- Fixed Point of Composition of Inflationary Mappings
- Ideal is Dual of Filter (Order Theory)
- Ideal is Filter in Dual Ordered Set
- Image of Directed Subset under Increasing Mapping is Directed
- Infima Preserving Mapping on Filters is Increasing
- Infima Preserving Mapping on Filters Preserves Filtered Infima
- Infimum is not necessarily Smallest Element
- Infimum of Infima
- Infimum of Power Set
- Infimum of Subset
- Initial Segment of Canonical Order is Set
- Intersection of Subset with Lower Bounds
- Intersection of Subset with Upper Bounds
- Interval of Ordered Set is Convex
- Inverse Image of Convex Set under Monotone Mapping is Convex
- Isomorphism to Closed Interval
- Mapping at Limit Inferior Precedes Limit Inferior of Composition Mapping and Sequence implies Mapping Preserves Directed Suprema
- Mapping at Limit Inferior Precedes Limit Inferior of Composition Mapping and Sequence implies Supremum of Image is Mapping at Supremum of Directed Subset
- Mapping is Increasing implies Mapping at Infimum for Sequence Precedes Infimum for Composition of Mapping and Sequence
- Mapping Preserves Finite and Directed Suprema
- Mapping Preserves Finite and Filtered Infima
- Mappings Partially Ordered by Extension
- Maximal Element of Complement of Filter is Meet Irreducible
- Maximal Ideal WRT Filter Complement is Prime in Distributive Lattice
- Meet Irreducible iff Finite Infimum equals Element
- Multiplicative Auxiliary Relation iff Congruent
- Multiplicative Auxiliary Relation iff Images are Filtered
- Order Completion is Unique up to Isomorphism
- Order Isomorphism between Ordinals and Proper Class/Lemma
- Order-Extension Principle
- Order-Extension Principle/Strict
- Order-Extension Principle/Strict/Finite Set
- Order-Extension Principle/Strict/Proof 1
- Order-Extension Principle/Strict/Proof 2
- Ordered Set is Convex in Itself
- Ordered Set of Closure Systems is Ordered Set
- Ordered Subset of Ordered Set is Ordered Set
- Ordering Cycle implies Equality
- Ordering Cycle implies Equality/General Case
- Ordering Induced by Injection is Ordering
- Ordering Induced by Join Semilattice
- Ordering of Inverses in Ordered Monoid
- Ordering Principle
- Set is Subset of Finite Infima Set
- Set is Subset of Lower Closure
- Set is Subset of Upper Closure
- Set of Chains is Closed under Chain Unions under Subset Relation
- Set of Infima for Sequence is Directed
- Set of Mappings can be Ordered by Subset Relation
- Set of Relations can be Ordered by Subset Relation
- Singleton is Chain
- Singleton of Bottom is Ideal
- Strict Weak Ordering Induces Partition
- Subset and Image Admit Infima and Mapping is Increasing implies Infimum of Image Succeeds Mapping at Infimum
- Subset and Image Admit Suprema and Mapping is Increasing implies Supremum of Image Precedes Mapping at Supremum
- Subset of Natural Numbers is Cofinal iff Infinite
- Suprema Preserving Mapping on Ideals is Increasing
- Suprema Preserving Mapping on Ideals Preserves Directed Suprema
- Supremum is Increasing relative to Product Ordering
- Supremum is not necessarily Greatest Element
- Supremum is Unique
- Supremum of Power Set
- Supremum of Subset
- Supremum of Suprema
- Szpilrajn Extension Theorem
- Union of Chain of Orderings is Ordering
- Up-Complete Product
- Up-Complete Product/Lemma 1
- Up-Complete Product/Lemma 2
- Upper Bound for Subset
- Upper Bound is Lower Bound for Inverse Ordering
- Upper Closure of Element without Element is Filter implies Element is Meet Irreducible
- Upper Closure of Subset is Subset of Upper Closure