Embedding Theorem/Corollary

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Corollary to Embedding Theorem


$(1): \quad \struct {T_2, \oplus_2, \otimes_2}$ be a submagma of $\struct {S_2, *_2, \star_2}$
$(2): \quad f: \struct {T_1, \oplus_1, \otimes_1} \to \struct {T_2, \oplus_2, \otimes_2}$ be an isomorphism

then there exists:

$(1): \quad$ a magma $\struct {S_1, *_1, \star_1}$ which algebraically contains $\struct {T_1, \oplus_1, \otimes_1}$
$(2): \quad g: \struct {S_1, *_1, \star_1} \to \struct {S_2, *_2, \star_2}$ where $g$ is an isomorphism which extends $f$.


By the Embedding Theorem, there exists:

a magma $\struct {S_1, *_1}$ which algebraically contains $\struct {T_1, \oplus_1}$
an isomorphism $g: \struct {S_1, *_1} \to \struct {S_2, *_2}$ which extends $f$.

Let $\star_1$ be the transplant of $\star_2$ under $g^{-1}$.

We have that:

$g^{-1}$ is an isomorphism from $\struct {S_2, \star_2}$ to $\struct {S_1, \star_1}$.


$g$ is an isomorphism from $\struct {S_1, \star_1}$ to $\struct {S_2, \star_2}$.

It follows that:

$g$ is an isomorphism from $\struct {S_1, *_1, \star_1}$ to $\struct {S_2, *_2, \star_2}$.

It remains to be shown that:

$\struct {T_1, \otimes_1}$ is closed


the operation induced on $T_1$ by $\star_1$ is $\otimes_1$.

Let $x, y \in T_1$.


$\map g x = \map f x$


$\map g y = \map f y$

such that:

$\map g x, \map g y \in T_2$

So by definition of $\star_1$:

\(\ds x \star_1 y\) \(=\) \(\ds \map {g^{-1} } {\map g x \star_2 \map g y}\) Transplanting Theorem
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \map {g^{-1} } {\map f x \otimes_2 \map f y}\)
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \map {g^{-1} } {\map f {x \otimes_1 y} }\)
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \map {f^{-1} } {\map f {x \otimes_1 y} }\) as the restriction of $g^{-1}$ to $T_2$ is $f^{-1}$
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds x \otimes_1 y\) Transplanting Theorem, and because $\map f {x \otimes_1 y} \in T_2$

Hence $\struct {T_1, \oplus_1, \otimes_1}$ is embedded in $\struct {S_1, *_1, \star_1}$.

