Equivalence Relation Induced by Preordering/Examples/Finite Set Difference on Natural Numbers

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Example of Equivalence Relation Induced by Preordering

Consider the preordering $\RR$ on the powerset of the natural numbers:

$\forall a, b \in \powerset \N: a \mathrel \RR b \iff a \setminus b \text { is finite}$

where $\setminus$ denotes set difference.

Let $\sim_\RR$ denote the equivalence relation on $\powerset \N$ induced by $\RR$.

Then the $\sim_\RR$-equivalence class of an element $a$ of $\powerset \N$ is defined as:

$\eqclass a {\sim_\RR} = \set {b \in \powerset \N: a \symdif b \text { is finite} }$

where $\symdif$ denotes symmetric difference.


We have that:

\(\ds \) \(\) \(\ds a \sim_\RR b\)
\(\ds \) \(\leadstoandfrom\) \(\ds a \mathrel \RR b \land b \mathrel \RR a\) Definition of Equivalence Relation Induced by Preordering
\(\ds \) \(\leadstoandfrom\) \(\ds a \setminus b \text { is finite } \land b \setminus a \text { is finite }\) Definition of $\RR$
\(\ds \) \(\leadstoandfrom\) \(\ds \paren {a \setminus b} \cup \paren {b \setminus a} \text { is finite }\) Definition of Finite Set
\(\ds \) \(\leadstoandfrom\) \(\ds a \symdif b \text { is finite }\) Definition of Symmetric Difference

The result follows by definition of $\sim_\RR$-equivalence class.

