Equivalence of Definitions of Transitive Closure (Relation Theory)/Finite Chain is Smallest

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Let $S$ be a set or class.

Let $\RR$ be a relation on $S$.

Let $\RR^+$ be the transitive closure of $\RR$ by the finite chain definition.

That is, for $x, y \in S$ let $x \mathrel {\RR^+} y$ if and only if for some natural number $n > 0$ there exist $s_0, s_1, \dots, s_n \in S$ such that $s_0 = x$, $s_n = y$, and:

$\forall k \in \N_n: s_k \mathrel \RR s_{k+1}$

Then $\RR^+$ is transitive and if $\QQ$ is a transitive relation on $S$ such that $\RR \subseteq \QQ$ then $\RR \subseteq \QQ$.


$\RR^+$ is transitive

Let $x,y,z \in S$.

Let $x \mathrel {\RR^+} y$ and $y \mathrel {\RR^+} z$.

Then for some $m, n \in \N_{>0}$ there are $s_0, s_1, \dots, s_m$ and $t_0, t_1, \dots, t_n$ such that $s_0 = x$, $s_m = y$, $t_0 = y$, $t_n = z$, and the following hold:

$\forall k \in \N_m: s_k \mathrel {\RR^+} s_{k + 1}$
$\forall k \in \N_n: t_k \mathrel {\RR^+} t_{k + 1}$

Let $\sequence {u_k}_{k \mathop \in \N_{m + n} }$ be defined thus:

$u_k = \cases {s_k & \text{if $k \le m$} \\ t_{k - m} & \text {if $k > m$}}$

Then clearly $u_k \mathrel {\RR^+} u_{k+1}$ whenever $k < m$ and whenever $k > m$.

But $u_m = s_m = y = t_0 \mathrel {\RR^+} t_1 = u_{m+1}$, so this holds also for $k = m$.

Furthermore, $u_0 = s_0 = x$ and $u_{m+n} = t_n = z$.

Therefore $x \mathrel {\RR^+} z$.

As this holds for all such $x$ and $z$, $\RR^+$ is transitive.


$\RR^+$ is smallest

Let $\QQ$ be any transitive relation on $S$ such that $\RR \subseteq \QQ$.

For any $x, y \in S$ such that $x \mathrel {\RR^+} y$, let $d \left({x, y}\right)$ be the smallest natural number $n > 0$ such that there exist $s_0, s_1, \dots, s_n \in S$ such that $s_0 = x$, $s_n = y$, and:

$\forall k \in \N_n: s_k \mathrel \RR s_{k + 1}$

Such an $n$ always exists by the definition of $\RR^+$ and the fact that $\N$ is well-ordered by $\le$.

We will show by induction on $n$ that for every $x, y$ such that $x \mathrel {\RR^+} y$ and $\map d {x, y} = n$, $x \mathrel \QQ y$.

This will show that $\RR^+ \subseteq \QQ$.

If $\map d {x, y} = 1$ then $x \mathrel \RR y$, so $x \mathrel \QQ y$.

Suppose that the result holds for $n$.

Let $\map d {x, y} = n + 1$.

Then there exist $s_0, s_1, \dots, s_{n + 1}$ such that $s_0 = x$, $s_{n + 1} = y$, and:

$\forall k \in \N_{n + 1}: s_k \mathrel \RR s_{k + 1}$

Then dropping the last term:

$\forall k \in \N_n: s_k \mathrel \RR s_{k + 1}$

so $x \mathrel {\RR^+} s_n$.

It should be clear, then, that $\map d {x, s_n} = n$.

Thus by the inductive hypothesis, $x \mathrel \QQ s_n$.

Since $\RR \subseteq \QQ$, $s_n \mathrel \QQ s_{n + 1} = y$.

Since $x \mathrel \QQ s_n$, $s_n \mathrel \QQ y$, and $\QQ$ is transitive:

$x \mathrel \QQ y$

As this holds for all such $x$ and $y$, $\RR^+ \subseteq \QQ$.
