Form of Geometric Sequence of Integers
Let $P = \sequence {a_j}_{0 \mathop \le j \mathop \le n}$ be a geometric sequence of length $n + 1$ consisting of integers only.
Then the $j$th term of $P$ is given by:
- $a_j = k p^{n - j} q^j$
- the common ratio of $P$ expressed in canonical form is $\dfrac q p$
- $k$ is an integer.
Let $p$ and $q$ be integers.
Then the finite sequence $P = \sequence {a_j}_{0 \mathop \le j \mathop \le n}$ defined as:
- $a_j = p^j q^{n - j}$
is a geometric sequence whose common ratio is $\dfrac p q$.
Let $r$ be the common ratio of $P$.
From Common Ratio in Integer Geometric Sequence is Rational, $r$ is a rational number.
Let $r = \dfrac q p$ be in canonical form.
Thus, by definition:
- $p \perp q$
Let $a$ be the first term of $P$.
Then the sequence $P$ is:
- $P = \paren {a, a \dfrac q p, a \dfrac {q^2} {p^2}, \ldots, a \dfrac {q^n} {p^n} }$
All the elements of $P$ are integers, so, in particular:
- $a \dfrac {q^n} {p^n} \in \Z$
We have that:
- $p \perp q$
From Powers of Coprime Numbers are Coprime:
- $q^n \perp p^n$
and so from Euclid's Lemma:
- $p^n \divides a$
- $a = k p^n$
for some $k \in \Z$, and so:
- $P = \paren {k p^n, k q p^{n - 1}, k q^2 p^{n - 2}, \ldots, k q^{n - 1} p, k q^n}$